| Name | Description |
 | AutoComplete | Gets or sets whether the control should try to automatically complete entries using the list of items. |
 | Background | Gets or sets the C1.Blazor.Core.C1Color used to paint the background. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | BorderBrush | Gets or sets the C1.Blazor.Core.C1Color used to paint the border. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | BorderThickness | Gets or sets the C1.Blazor.Core.C1Thickness of the border. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | ButtonStyle | Gets or sets the style of the button used to toggle the drop-down. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | ChildContent | Gets or sets the content of the drop-down. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | Class | Gets or sets the CSS class applied to the component. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | CollapsedButtonIcon | Gets or sets the icon used when the drop-down is collapsed. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | CornerRadius | Gets or sets the C1.Blazor.Core.C1CornerRadius of the border. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | DataCollection | Gets the collection that is bound to the list. |
 | Delay | Gets or sets the delay that occurs between the key strokes and the auto-complete. |
 | DisplayMemberPath | Gets or sets the name of the property to use as the visual representation of the items. |
 | DropDownBehavior | Overridden. Gets or sets the drop-down behavior. |
 | DropDownMode | Gets or sets the mode that the DropDown uses to display the DropDownView. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | DropDownStyle | Gets or sets the style of the drop-down popup. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | EditableHeader | Gets or sets the editable header. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | EditorStyle | Gets or sets the style of the editor used to edit the selected item. |
 | ExpandedButtonIcon | Gets or sets the icon used when the drop-down is expanded. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | FlowDirection | Gets or sets the flow direction. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | FontFamily | Gets or sets the font family applied to the view. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | FontSize | Gets or sets the font size applied to the view. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | FontStyle | Gets or sets the font style applied to the view. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | FontWeight | Gets or sets the font weight applied to the view. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | Foreground | Gets or sets the C1.Blazor.Core.C1Color used to paint the foreground (text and icons). (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | Header | Gets or sets the header. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | IconStyle | Gets or sets the style of the icon that is placed inside the button used to toggle the drop-down. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | InheritProperties | Gets or sets whether the general purpose properties like foreground or fonts are inherited to the children automatically. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | IsDisposed | Gets whether this instance is disposed. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | IsDropDownOpenChanged | This callback is called when the drop-down is opened or closed. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | IsEditable | Gets or sets whether it is editable. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | IsInitialized | Gets whether the component was already initialized. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | Items | Gets the items that are shown in the list. |
 | ItemsSource | Gets or sets the source collection that contains the items to select from. |
 | ItemsSourceChanged | Gets or sets the callback called when the ItemsSource property has changed. |
 | ItemTemplate | Gets or sets the item template. |
 | ListItemStyle | Gets or sets the style of the items of the list. |
 | ListStyle | Gets or sets the style of the list of items. |
 | Padding | Gets or sets the padding of the Content. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | Placeholder | Gets or sets the placeholder displayed when there is no entered text. |
 | SelectedIndex | Gets or sets the index of the selected item. |
 | SelectedIndexChanged | Gets or sets the callback called when the SelectedIndex property has changed. |
 | SelectedItem | Gets or sets the current selected item. |
 | SelectedItemChanged | Gets or sets the callback called when the SelectedItem property has changed. |
 | SelectedValue | Gets or sets the value of the SelectedItem, obtained by using ValueMemberPath. |
 | SelectedValueChanged | Gets or sets the callback called when the SelectedValue property has changed. |
 | ShowButton | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control should display a dropdown button. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | Style | Gets or sets the style applied to the component. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | TabIndex | Gets or sets the value corresponding to the tabindex global attribute. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | Tag | Gets or sets an arbitrary object that can be used to identify a specific component. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) |
 | Text | Gets or sets the text of the control. |
 | ValueMemberPath | Gets or sets the path that is used to get the value from the item. |